Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 7 - Dorian and Hank

As we woke up Monday morning, it struck us that it was our last day of work meaning we must work extra hard in order to finish our project on time. After downing breakfast, each group made their way to the worksite at approximately 8:00 AM, where we had the opportunity to play with the children before they rushed back to line-up in order to start what would be their last week of school. Us adventurers worked hard throughout the morning despite the intense humidity and paint which does not come off your clothes. Everyone was assigned a specific task which included painting the inside of the library with primer paint while fighting off bloodthirsty flies, making and playing with cement, tiling and installing the windows and doors while dodging copious amounts of vicious paint. The group was further split into pairs which were assigned a class to teach or entertain. Julian and Hank were greeted with cute waving and smiles as they entered the standard 4 class, immediately engaging into a wild drawing competition. The amused kids then proceeded to assault the poor adventurers with chalk, turning them both into human chalkboards as resistance was futile. Tyler tought the kids how to make origami ninja stars and his signature paper airplanes while the other children cheered and greeted Alex by his nickname: Horsey. The group worked extra hard while consuming large amounts of iodine-filtered H2O and mini nacho chip snack bags. Despite working late, the proud adventurers headed to lunch while scheduling a second round of work later that afternoon. After lunch, we engaged in team building activities which consisted of ranking the world's millennium goal notecards based on how important we felt they were. The group then left on an epic trek to the library at 2:30, arriving 5 minutes later and ready to finish the job. Everyone returned to their positions while enjoying Alex's singing. The painters then engaged in loudly singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Call Me Maybe" while relentlessly battling the swarms of flies who decided to feast on them. The group worked for a good 45 minutes and cleaned up the worksite, lighting any remaining trash on fire thanks to some of the children's pyromaniac skills before they returned home after a hardcore day of studying. The fire was very entertaining but the students were called in for a group picture behind the library. After thanking the worksite's overseers, Mack & Jen and Carlos, Danna coordinated a dance to the tune of America's pop culture as we had to share an American tradition with the community that night. Everyone then proceeded back to their home stay family where they ate a wonderful dinner. Adrian and Hank debated on whether or not to eat two habanero peppers, which Hank eventually downed along with 6 cups of orange juice. Carlos and Dorian then proceeded in dancing to the tune of the marimba and singing the National Anthem of Holland, Venezuela, America and Belize during their dinner with their home stay family. At 7:00, the adventurers regrouped at Ernesto's place to share their culture and witness Belizean dances and music. The entertaining night was wrapped up by Tyler, Alex, Carlos, Nick, Julian and Alex's epic singalong of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" which included insane guitar solos and a fantastic range of singing. We all thanked our families and grabbed any gifts left in the room where our bags were stored in and headed out into the darkness to our home stay for the night...
Oh and a shout-out to Dorian and Hank's families.


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