Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 2 Danna and Viviana

Where to begin with this action-packed day? We began by waking up quite early this morning (like, 5:30) ready to start a second day in the wonderful country of Belize. We consumed a brekkie for champions that included beans, eggs, and fryjacks (Google it). We packed our things and our bus driver Minor took us on a mystical bus ride of wonder (so basically it had AC) for a little over an hour to reach the Mayan ruins. Xunantunich was high up on a hill, and the only transportation we had were our own feet. After eating termites because YOLO and lighting the juice of plants on fire, we concluded our mile high trek to the Mayan ruins. Our guide, Peter, told us of all the fascinating stories behind the ruins and took us to the peaks of the Mayan structures (but YOLO). Although our legs were about to fall off, we successfully made it back down the steep hill and had a packed lunch of chicken, fried plantains (yummy!), coleslaw, and snickers in the mystical bus of wonder. After completing our meal, we had the opportunity to wander among the vendors selling handcrafted goods. We then hopped back on the bus and enjoyed a two hour scenic route through Belize to the Mayan Center Village. Many spent this time yelling at cards, while others decided to sleep (us). When we arrived to the Mayan Center, we met a wonderful little kitten named Kitty Softpaws who seriously distracted us from our team building activities. We did not knock down a telephone pole during these activities. Why would you think that? Jeez. We discovered ourselves and our leadership abilities as we worked out our contrasting ideas that came along with these activities. Dinner was soon ready and we filled our stomachs with chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, and cake. Students have unfortunately not lost interest in four square, but are fortunately clothed. We are excited to begin working on the library tomorrow. But for now, we must rest up and re-energize for the long days ahead of us.
                                                                                                                                With love,
                                                                                                                                Danna & Viviana


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